Harnessing the Power of Partnership
This is an award winning short documentary commissioned by the Guide Dogs for the Blind about a blind person and his relationship with his guide dog.
Access For All PSA
The Los Angeles Department of Mental Health commissioned Daniel to produce a 30 second PSA for the for the Deaf, Hard Of Hearing, Blind & Physical Disabilities community.
SCCC 50th Anniversary Video
An informative and inspiring short documentary about how Southern California Counseling Center has changed peoples lives for the better for over 50 years.
Redding Water Utility Video
This 11 minute video explains how the Redding Water Utility treats and distributes water to the public.
Nancy Steiny Retirement Tribute Video
A moving tribute video to Nancy Steiny, who has been working at the Southern California Counseling Center for over 40 years, and continues to train counselors and maintain a private practice.
Employee Recruitment Video
Hotel Casa Del Mar and Shutters On The Beach employees talk about the camaraderie, work ethic, and benefits of working for ETC hotels.
Family Court Orientation Video
This video describes the mediation and child custody recommending counseling court process, and offers tips on how parents can reduce conflict and help their children adjust to the changes happening in their family.
Juvenile Dependency Orientation Video
This is a sample from a 15 minute Juvenile Dependency Orientation Video used to educate an audience of court users who are involved with juvenile dependency courts throughout California.
Miners Safety Video
This safety video was commissioned by Cal/OSHA.